sábado, 19 de octubre de 2019

207 - if looks could talk

OUTFIT NAME:  If looks could talk


SHIRT: etham - Jake Shirt - (@ *FaMESHed* Oct 1st - 29th)
BEARD: Volkstone Kaun Facial Hair [8 Styles] - Catwa/Omega Applier (@ EQUAL Oct 10th)
POSE: ACT5-389-Male leaning 2

for more female fashion:

EN: Dreads are are not in opposition with elegance. This is demonstrated by this no.match hair combined with shirt from etham.  To complete the picture I fixed my beard like this.  I'll share my barber with you, it's Volkstone.   The pose is the idea of act5 poses, they always know how to pose for the occasion and take a good picture.

ES: Las rastas no están reñidas con la elegancia. Así lo demuestran no.match con este pelo y la camisa de etham. Para completar la foto me arregle la barba así, os paso mi barbero de contacto Volkstone. La pose es idea de act5 poses, ellos siempre saben como posar para la ocasión y tomar una buena foto.

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