lunes, 18 de octubre de 2021

558 - What happened here?


OUTFIT NAME: What happened here?


TOP: [ ERAUQS ] - Kiaz Sweatshirt (@MAN CAVE)
PANTS: [ ERAUQS ] - Kurt Jeans (@ACCESS)
POSE: /BT/ Custom pose

EN: We were called to investigate a case in this haunted house. I fell asleep on the bed of the former owners, but in the middle of the night... Something woke me up.

ES: Nos llamaron para investigar un caso en esta casa encantada. Me dormí en la cama de los antiguos propietarios, pero a media noche... Algo me despertó.

EU: Etxe honetan kasu bat ikertzeko deitu digute. Lehengo jabeen ohean lo hartu nuen, baina gauerdian... Zerbaitek esnatu ninduen.

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