domingo, 7 de julio de 2019

167 - The Canoe Ride

OUTFIT NAME:  The Canoe Ride

SWIMSUIT: amias - RADEK pack (@TMD)
SHOES: Native - Pryda Sneakers All Colors
BEARD: Volkstone Brandon Mesh Beard
TATTOO: .: Vegas :. Tattoo Applier Life and Death 120 (@ The Men Jail Event 8th to 28th)

POSE:   ACT5-260-Couple Canoe Sit 

For details about her outfit, visit:

EN: Victory! I think I'm ready for a nice cold drink and a few minutes to relax. This has been a long journey down the river! Peace out!

ES: Victoria! Creo que estoy listo para una bebida fría y unos minutos para relajarme. ¡Ha sido un largo viaje por el río!

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