lunes, 29 de julio de 2019

176 - Playing frisbee

OUTFIT NAME: Playing frisbee


SWIMSUIT: amias - RADEK pack
BEARD: Volkstone Henrique Facial Hair [7 STYLES] Catwa&Omega (@EQUAL July 10th)
TATTOO: .: Vegas :. Tattoo Applier Oriental Art 114 (add) (@HARAJUKU)
POSE: ACT5-318-Male Catching Frisbee Pose BOXED

POSE: ACT5-281-Female Texas 2 Pose BOXED
For details about her outfit, visit:
Bikini, tattoo & pose

EN: We were playing with the frisbee and it landed near a group of people and they returned it to me! I will get it before Cowball does!!

ES: Estábamos jugando con el frisbee y se nos escapo a un grupo de personas. Parece que me lo lanzan para devolvérmelo, lo cogeré antes de que lo haga Cowball!

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