sábado, 27 de julio de 2019

175 - The loft


SNEAKERS: Native - Sobek Sneakers All Colors
BEARD: Volkstone Marv Facial Hair & Mesh Beard // Unrigged
DECOR 1: DONE [IK] Old School Skates - Blogger Pack
[IK] Skate AD
[IK] Skate Clothes Rack AD
[IK] Skate Display A AD
[IK] Skate Shelf AD
[IK] Skate Set 1 AD
[IK] Skate Set 2 AD
[IK] Skate Set 3 AD
DECOR 2: [IK] Not For Girls Bedroom GACHA SET (More information)
POSE: ACT5-316-Male Skate Lean

POSE: ACT5-317-Couple Skate Lean Pose BOXED

POSE: ACT5-315-Female Skater Lean
For details about her outfit, visit:

EN:  I met her at a skating tournament when we were younger and we have not been apart since that day.  Now we live together in a loft decorated with our favorite theme and lifestyle created by InsurreKtion.  We are going to go practice so we are ready for the next championship.

ES:    La conocí en un torneo de Skate cuando eramos mas jóvenes y no nos hemos vuelto a separar. Ahora como veis vivimos en un loft decorado con la temática de nuestra pasión y forma de vida que nos proporciona INSURREKTION. Vamos a seguir practicando para llegar en forma al próximo campeonato.

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