miércoles, 17 de julio de 2019

171 - This dance is not for me!

OUTFIT NAME:  This dance is not for me!


SHIRT: Volkstone Loose Tank Top - 12 Styles  Fatpack
POSE: ACT5-307-Male Taking Picture Sit (mobile phone included)

For great female fashion, check out 
romper & pose

EN: She asked me to dance a very well known dance with her but I'm such a awful dancer that I prefer she dances alone.  I'm gonna sit here and film on my phone.  She imitates those single ladies really well!  With me it would look ridiculous!

ES: Me ha invitado a bailar con ella un baile muy conocido pero se me da tan mal que prefiero que lo haga ella sola y dedicarme a grabarlo con el móvil. Que bien lo hace, conmigo no quedaría tan bien.

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