sábado, 30 de noviembre de 2019

227 - Lover's Retreat

OUTFIT NAME: Lover's Retreat

HEAD: [GA.EG] Alan 2.1 Bento Mesh Head
SKIN: [GA.EG] Head Skins - Ian 2.1 - Fatpack - BOM Layers
APPLIER: [GA.EG] BOM Head - GA.EG Applier
BEARD: Volkstone Pedro Facial Hair [5 Styles] - Catwa/Omega Fatpack
RINGS: amias - XIMO
TATTOO: .: Vegas :. Tattoo Applier Break the Rules (@ HARAJUKU)

POSE: ACT5-422-Couple Sit Caressing

Top, Jacket, Legwarmers & boots
Shaki's Blog
Shaki's Flickr

EN: We were having a romantic moment and she was giving me a head massage and all of a sudden she says, oh honey, you don't have lice.  I'm glad I don't have lice but was not the time to be checking my head for lice!

ES: Estábamos teniendo un momento romántico y me estaba dando un masaje en la cabeza y de repente, me dice, cariño, no tienes piojos. ¡Me alegra no tener piojos, pero no era el momento de revisar mi cabeza en busca de ellos!

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